Wednesday, January 24, 2007

N I Rural Women's Network

I welcome the launch of a new Northern Ireland Rural Women's Network by David Cairns.

This is indeed another step forward in the recognition of the vast amount of import and necessary work carried on by those women who live and work within our rural community. It is only but right that the rural and urban network of woman come together and pool their resources. The new grouping has within it's title - Network and that is exactly what it will be, a network. I know from experience that through such a system a partnership will develop and from that there can only be gain. There is also the important process of confidence building and the sharing of talent. I welcome Minister Cairns announcement and the funding granted to make possible and develop the N.I. Rural Women's Network.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

MY C V for 2006 / 2007

Cllr Marion Smith B.A.
Curriculum Vitae - 2006/2007
North Down Borough Council:
Elected: March 1995 in a bye-election for Bangor West as an Ulster Unionist Councillor.
Fought and won local elections – 1997, 2001 and 2005 (in the 2005 election I was returned with the highest Ulster Unionist count in North Down.)
Deputy Mayor 1997/98
Mayor 1999/2000

CHAIR: Policy Committee – this is one of the 5 major committees within Council
CHAIR: Northern Ireland Housing Executive Liaison Panel
Member of the following Committees within Council:
Tourism Task Force
Planning & Public Service Liaison
Leisure, Tourism and Community Development
Amenities & Technical Services
Arts Advisory Panel
North Down Sports Advisory Council
Finance Sub Committee
Audit Committee
Economic Sub Committee
Neighbourhood Renewal
Disability Concerns Group
East Border Region
Good Relations Committee

Within the Ulster Unionist Party
Only woman selected in Northern Ireland to go forward as MLA
Vice President: UU Councillors Association
Vice President: North Down Association
UU Group Party Whip within Council
Party Spokesperson for the Arts
Represent the Party on the Shared Services Sub Group, related to the Reform of Public Administration.
Delegate for North Down to Ulster Unionist Council
Helped write two Party Policy documents on health
Have served on the following:
Chair of the Party Health Sub Committee
Chair Bangor West Branch
Secretary Bangor West Branch
Secretary U.U. Women’s Association North Down
Party Executive

Police Service of Northern Ireland
Member of the District Policing Partnership
Accredited Neighbourhood Watch Scheme Co-coordinator
Appointed to North Down Community Safety Partnership

Non-Executive Director – Ulster Community & Hospitals Trust (gained place on Trust as a result of open competition)
Serve on the following Committees:
Complaints (Chair)
Board Remuneration
Standing Orders

Local Government Staff Commission (appointed through open competition)
Have been appointed as the Vice Chair, the first woman to hold this position

Northern Ireland Local Government Association
Women’s Champion

Advisory Board to the Salvation Army Board Northern Ireland
Recently appointed as an Advisory Board Member

South Eastern Education & Library Board:
Board of Governors:
Kilcooley Primary School
Rathmore Primary School
Crawfordsburn Primary School

Committee Member:
Holywood Rudolf Steiner Bursary Fund

St Columbanus College Bangor (co-opted)

Other Organisations and Bodies:
CHAIR: Friends of Bangor Community Hospital
Omnibus Partnership
Festival Committee Bangor Drama Club
Abbeyfield Society
Associate Member Bangor Drama Club
Patron Bangor Amateur Operatic Society
Ulster Architectural Heritage Society
Member of Royal Ulster Yacht Club
Helen’s Bay Residents Association
Seahill Residents Association
Bangor West Residents Association
Carnalea Residents Association
Hon. Member –Royal Air Force Association

MLA Selection Success

I was delighted to be selected as one of the three candidates to run for election which is proposed for 7th March in the North Down/Donaghadee and Millise area.

The selection procedure was described by one Party member as a very clear vote.

In my address to a packed meeting I highlighted the experience I had to take on this demanding role, having served 12 years as a local Councillor. I have also invaluable experience of activities outside the confines of Council for example within the fields of health, education, disability and many local community groups to name but a few. I have also practically addressed many contentious issues not just within my own area but those affecting Northern Ireland, These include as the unjust water rates being imposed and the best education system within the United Kingdom becoming a disaster area.

I have observed the increasing detachment of our direct rule Minister and passionately believe that we need to regain control of our own affairs and our destiny through the restoration of the Assembly.

I assured the people of within the constituency area, if elected, I will do everything in my power to repay their confidence. What lies ahead for the Assembly will need difficult and courageous decisions but local people who know the score and have the interests of their own communities at heart must take these decisions. I believe that we need to regain control of our own affairs through a restored Assembly.