Civic Endeavour Awards

The Civic Endeavour Awards has been in existence some 15 years. The Awards have a number of categories, - Service in the Field of Voluntary Community Work, Service to the General Public, Humanitarian Services, Arts and the Environment, Young Person of the Year and the Mayor's Special Award.
The nominations come from all parts of the Borough. A committee decides on the winner of each category followed by a celebration dinner held in the Town Hall. This is a very special event, as each winner is invited to bring along 6 friends or family. During the evening a citation is given to each winner followed by the presentation of a beautifully framed scroll.
To me the dinner is one of the highlights of the council calendar year. It is special, it is for people who do so much within our community, often without recognition.
Since the awards began I have successfully nominated 16 residents to various categories. This as been a pleasure as I have shared with them their excitement of this very special evening.
I hope that each year more and more people will think about nominating someone they know who is worthy of such recognition.