Speaking on the consultation document "Expanding the Strategic Road Improvement Programme 2015" at the monthly council meeting,I commented "The Officer from Network Development for Roads Service Northern Ireland who sent North Down Borough Councillors this programme for 2015 - must think that Northern Ireland finishes to the east of the A 1, M 1, and A 8 Roads.
The map provided by Strategic Roads Improvement Programme shows nothing for North Down nor the peninsula not a link corridor, not a key transport corridor, not a trunk road the area is blank. Sorry A 1 the map does show and must feel we are priveledged as we are allowed to have a train to Belfast and a road to Newtownards.
The Belfast to Bangor Road has been on a made do and mend scheme for several years without addressing the problem, and this is one of the busiest roads in Northern Ireland. The Strategy for Northern Ireland envisages an investment of A 1, 400m in the period up to 2015. Why is it ignoring the A 2?
Within the document and under the heading, "Disruption" it states that the scheme is Âreasonably well balanced across Northern Ireland, 48% in west and 39% in North West, plus Westlink, A 26 Coleraine to Ballymoney, A 3 Portadown to Richill and A1 Belfast to Dublin.
This is called a reasonably well-balanced scheme across Northern Ireland A 1 I say to Roads Service A 1 rubbish go back and look at your map of Northern Ireland. North Down gets NIL percent!
A response to this document is required by 29th September A 1 I think that consultation is a word used as a bureaucratic smoke screen and is generally meaningless. My answer would simply be from North Down A 1 we demand fair play, and a descent percentage of the £1,400m without having to go to Roads Service with a begging bowl.
The map provided by Strategic Roads Improvement Programme shows nothing for North Down nor the peninsula not a link corridor, not a key transport corridor, not a trunk road the area is blank. Sorry A 1 the map does show and must feel we are priveledged as we are allowed to have a train to Belfast and a road to Newtownards.
The Belfast to Bangor Road has been on a made do and mend scheme for several years without addressing the problem, and this is one of the busiest roads in Northern Ireland. The Strategy for Northern Ireland envisages an investment of A 1, 400m in the period up to 2015. Why is it ignoring the A 2?
Within the document and under the heading, "Disruption" it states that the scheme is Âreasonably well balanced across Northern Ireland, 48% in west and 39% in North West, plus Westlink, A 26 Coleraine to Ballymoney, A 3 Portadown to Richill and A1 Belfast to Dublin.
This is called a reasonably well-balanced scheme across Northern Ireland A 1 I say to Roads Service A 1 rubbish go back and look at your map of Northern Ireland. North Down gets NIL percent!
A response to this document is required by 29th September A 1 I think that consultation is a word used as a bureaucratic smoke screen and is generally meaningless. My answer would simply be from North Down A 1 we demand fair play, and a descent percentage of the £1,400m without having to go to Roads Service with a begging bowl.