City Airport Extension
There is a heated on going debate taking place regarding the proposal for the City airport to have an extension of the runway by some 600meters. This of course will bring aircraft landing and take off 600 meters closer to residents living in Kinnegar, Holywood and Cultra. It does not take a genius to work out that the noise implications will spread much wider creating unnecessary upset to residents. The extension will also have the same affect those living in East Belfast.
Questionable claims have been made - e.g. that it will bring hundreds more jobs - I find this difficult to accept.
There will be increased traffic movement from 45000 to 48000 and if these are continental flights, these generally take off very early in the morning.
The city airport is a UK destination airport, we have a good international airport some 30 minutes drive away from the city airport and probably a few minutes flying time away. A place the size on Northern Ireland does not need a second international airport - certainly not one in such close proximity to housing as is being proposed.
Common sense tells me that a longer runway, means aircraft can take on more fuel, longer flights and more passengers.
This airport extension must not be allowed to go forward - the people who will suffer are residents and their views must be paramount.
I have written to the Minister objecting to this proposal.
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