Thursday, January 24, 2008


To date the area of North Down has been fairly lucky with only minor flooding, but I know of residents who were concerned at the response they had when looking for help. They were passed from government department to government department and ended up buying sandbags from a local builders yard, almost as the water came to their doorstep. We cannot simply ignore the fact that flooding is an ever-increasing problem which can in a very short time destroy a home. With a little forethought help could be provided much quicker and easier to residents.

Unfortunately at present help come from 3 different agencies, Water, Roads or Rivers, anyone working their way through this system knows it is time consuming and frustrating. This is totally unacceptable, administrative madness and time wasting.

I spoke on this matter at some length at my Council meeting and asked that letters be sent to the Minister or Ministers concerned. We must as a Council demand that a 24 Floodline is established which would be a one-stop shop, providing immediate and positive help to callers.

I also requested that a letter was sent to every Council in Northern Ireland seeking support for the Floodline.

My plea for immediate attention to what is becoming one of the most serious issues at present was unanimously supported.