Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The sewage is still there!

At the January Amenities & Technical Services committee meeting I put forward the following notice of motion.

“It is unacceptable that in a modern society some of our raw and primary treated sewage is still being pumped directly into the sea. This is particularly apparent to an area such as the North Down, which once prided itself on the attractiveness of its coastline. My understanding is that North Down is not the only area where this is happening and this further exacerbates the problem.

To ascertain the extent of the problem I propose that we should write to the Department of the Environment and the Water Service requesting information on the extend to which raw and primary sewage is being pumped into rivers, lakes, waterways, Loughs and the sea throughout and around Northern Ireland.”

I have heard of others areas where raw sewage is being pumped out and I am really concerned that in the year 2006 we are still being forced to have standards which are little short of 3rd world foisted upon this country.

We must keep pressure on the Department of the Environment and the Water Service insisting that our water and sewage system must be upgraded as quickly as possible. I would also point out that I find it totally unacceptable that the citizens of Northern Ireland are financially penalised because of years of what can only be described as neglect to the infrastructure.

The notice of motion and my comments were agreed unanimously.