Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Plastic Bag Tax - A Must

As the person who re formed the Friends of the Earth North Down and Ards last year, I am greatly encouraged by the hard work they are doing within the Borough.

At the January Amenities & Technical Services meeting in Council I proposed “Plastic bags are an increasing nuisance and a cause of pollution in our society. Many European countries are already imposing a plastic bag tax and consumers reacted favourably or are increasingly using shopping baskets or reusable bags.
Friends of the Earth have carried out some research in Northern Ireland into the unnecessary use of plastic bags and have received a positive response from the public.

Apart from the rubbish they create plastic bag manufactures also use up our limited gas and oil reserves.

I therefore propose that we write to the Department of the Environment stating the following - that a plastic bag tax must be introduced in the very near future to help reduce this needless extravagance of modern day living.

As well, we write to all Councils seeking their support on this matter.”

I also propose that we write to the Minister responsible proposing that this tax must be brought in if we are to tackle the increasing problems caused by plastic bags. This problem is not just within towns but also causes real concern in the countryside.

Some stores already charge for their bags and it is amazing how quickly customers learned to bring their own bags. As well some stores have a receptacle for returning plastic bags. These at least are a beginning but much more must be done if we are to be serious in addressing what is a real problem to our environment.