Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Water Charges Delayed

Water Charges

Regarding the announced delay in proposing water charges in Northern Ireland I welcome the decision that the Minister will now be deferring the proposed charges until April 2007. While I welcome this delay I feel very strongly that we must keep the pressure on the government that water charges if they are to be implemented must be fair. At least metering is now being considered and a recognition that the most vulnerable in our society must not be penalised.

As a councillor I thank everyone who signed the very successful petition against the charges in North Down and indeed we led the fight within Northern Ireland against these charges which were being imposed on the population with a degree of arrogance.

The battle is not over but at least we have won some small concession and we must not lost track of what is happening, pressure must be kept on the Minister and perhaps he needs reminded as to just why our water infrastructure is in such a mess, could I suggest some 30 years of underfunding?